[1] Ji, M., & Meng Ji. (2009). Corpus stylistics in translation studies: two modern Chinese translations of Don Quijote. Language and Literature, 18(1), 61–73. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963947008099306
Abstract:This article aims to provide a quantitative account of the stylistic differences between two modern Chinese translations of Don Quijote in terms of the use of language archaism. For this purpose, a number of statistical techniques applicable in corpus linguistics have been used, which exemplifies the foregrounding of quantitative primary data. The article provides an original interdisciplinary study which attempts to integrate research methods adapted from different areas of research, e.g. textual statistics, corpus linguistics, literary stylistics and translation studies, into the development of an emerging field known as corpus stylistics.
[2] 詹菊红, & 蒋跃. (2016). 语言计量特征在译者身份判定中的应用——以《傲慢与偏见》的两个译本为例. 外语学刊, (3), 95–101.
主讲人: 王峰博士 永利
学术对谈人:孙可一博士 永利